Onirik - Mortal Lake

A created place by Infatuation.
real fantasies
turns to legend
for the infinite
thirsty research….giant waves.

Bury your ego
hope failed
into... the.. deep…of..tears.

Drag by clear energy
to detested corpse
awaiting the time
the way to….. reaction

Sufferance to fidget
bothered and oppressed
Sufferance to fidget
bothered by the oppressed…..water!

Death wins the mind
The body the only salvation
Emotions in this unknown mortal lake

Sufferance to fidget
bothered and oppressed
Sufferance to fidget
bothered by the oppressed.....
Sufferance to fidget
bothered and oppressed
Sufferance to fidget
bothered by the oppressed…..
Sufferance to fidget
bothered and oppressed
Sufferance to fidget
bothered by the oppressed…..water!

vital force turns into mud
burning dreams of passed
present and futures lifes…Life…Life

Drag by clear energy
to detested corpse
awaiting the time
the way to…..reaction